Ayat Yatim

Hahaha.. Ape punya entry title daa..
Ni semua kes dow mase kt arau dulu..
Ayat yatim disini bermaksud ayat kesian, contoh: ye laa..aku ni sape kan.. yela org tak nak kawan kan.. =(

Hehehe.. sape penah cakap gini angkat tangan! SAYE! hehehe.. aku pon penah dowh..
Tapi kan.. bila orang cakap ayat gini kadang kadang aku konfius sama ada org tu memain or serius.. Hahaha.. you know what.. i just learned to stop saying those words..

Dont be or feel sorry for yourself for other people lack of sensitivity towards our feelings..
Just say.. SAYA SAKIT HATI DGN ______! or IT HURTS! or OUCH?! straight forward..

Ayat yatim seperti kita meminta simpati.. buat orang rasa bersalah.. kalau dapat kt yg xde perasaan? what happen no use kan? they just dont understand what is your true feelings..
For me.. people sometimes are with or without intention to hurt you..
We should express our feelings into the right words and make it loud and clear..


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