Pop Quiz-IFM

Oh syok nyer dpt quiz bawak balik umah..huhu
3 soalan je pon..
Di atas permintaan cik yati, sy akan share soalanyer..=)

Ni la die soalan quiz-bawak-balik-umah huhu..
1. What is International Trade? Briely explain the importance of International Trade.
2. Discuss 3 theories of International Business.
3. What are the importance of Balance of Payments?

Okeh.. Lau de lg soalan, akan di post di blog yer..

p/s: kelas financial analysis cancel lg hr ni..mgu dpn pon xde..alamatnyer bulan depan bru start kelas..aduhh..prepare lah utk kelas ganti..


  1. senang nye soklan ! ya 1st jwpn die A, yg no 2 jmpn die D , yg last tu C , HAHA


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